I had a couple of hours Saturday morning to get the tube swap going.
First order of business is to put the cabs side by side so I can just slide the frame from one cab to another

Slide the tube from the Point Blank cab, placed it on the eski and then slid the time crisis tube onto the point blank cab

Since the tube, chassis and frame were exactly the same, there was really no need to swap frames over. This way was just easier
Frames swapped! Literally a 10 minute process once the cabs were side to side – 2 connectors unplugged, 4 bolts and slide

Now it’s a matter of playing the waiting game as these are the things I am currently waiting on
- PSU to be repaired from JOMAC
- Control Panel artwork
- Monitor bezel artwork
- Point Blank PCB
- NOS solenoid for the gun
- New gun harness cover
- Point Blank marquee header
Hopefully most if not all those things arrive in the next couple of weeks