360 PCBs

What a crappy day at the office with doing the controller pcb…

I didn’t want to really purchase anything new for the pcb as my main purpose is pc and 360 for the noir. I knew I had some old pcbs from when I used to mod peoples fight sticks back in 09 so I rummaged through the stock pile and found a chimp pcb with a 360 pcb – perfect for dual modding!


After a solid few hours worth of cutting, stripping and soldering… The mod was done – so I thought


Things were wired correctly, but Left, left kick (button 4) and hk (button 6) weren’t working.. Got the trust multimeter out and confirmed continuity.. I plugged into a pc and used the Ps3 pcb and confirmed everything was working, so it was a dead pcb! Smh..

Fortunately I had a second pcb with the exact same foot print, I started wiring that up…


Everything was perfect, I was cheering and putting the final touches where I put a pcb feet on.. As I was tightening the foot, I clipped a diode on the pcb and popped out… The worst part about it was the whole solder pad was taken along with it and was left with just the pcb with nowhere to solder… Anothet 3 hours down the drain!

I had one more attempt as I had an old SFIV fight pad..


Ripped the internals out and made sure I was extra careful – so what do I do, drilled holes in the pcb 


 (I did make sure there were no traces where I drilled)


Fortunately, everything is now working as expected and my connector is wired to go straight into the Namco connector without having to splice anything.

Was a nice way to spend the whole Saturday! #saidnooneever 


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